Generation VIII Pokémon [Galar Region | All Gen 8 Pokémon]


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type ground
Height 7. 03"
Weight 16.8 lbs
Category Sand Snake
Abilities Shed Skin
Weaknesses water, grass, ice


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type rock fire
Height 9. 02"
Weight 684.5 lbs
Category Coal
Abilities Flame Body
Weaknesses water , ground , fighting, rock


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type ground normal
Height 7. 10"
Weight 639.3 lbs
Category Peat
Weaknesses water, grass, ice, fighting


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type fire bug
Height 2. 04"
Weight 2.2 lbs
Category Radiator
Abilities Flash Fire
Weaknesses water, flying, rock


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type steel dragon
Height 5. 11"
Weight 88.2 lbs
Category Alloy
Abilities Light Metal
Weaknesses fighting, ground


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type grass dragon
Height 1. 00"
Weight 2.2 lbs
Category Apple Wing
Abilities Gluttony
Weaknesses flying, ice , dragon, poison, fairy, bug


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type electric dark
Height 1. 00"
Weight 6.6 lbs
Category Two-Sided
Abilities Hunger Switch
Weaknesses fairy, bug, fighting, ground


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type water rock
Height 3. 03"
Weight 254.6 lbs
Category Bite
Abilities Shell Armor
Weaknesses grass , electric, fighting, ground


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type bug
Height 1. 04"
Weight 17.6 lbs
Category Larva
Abilities Compound Eyes
Weaknesses fire, flying, rock


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type fairy
Height 9. 02"
Weight 242.5 lbs
Category Warrior
Abilities Intrepid Sword
Weaknesses steel, poison


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type grass
Height 1. 00"
Weight 11.0 lbs
Category Chimp
Abilities Overgrow
Weaknesses fire, flying, ice, poison, bug


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type ghost
Height 0. 04"
Weight 0.4 lbs
Category Black Tea
Abilities Weak Armor
Weaknesses ghost, dark


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type normal
Height 4. 03"
Weight 94.8 lbs
Category Sheep
Abilities Steadfast
Weaknesses fighting


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type ghost
Height 0. 08"
Weight 0.9 lbs
Category Black Tea
Abilities Weak Armor
Weaknesses ghost, dark


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type flying steel
Height 7. 03"
Weight 165.3 lbs
Category Raven
Abilities Pressure
Weaknesses fire, electric


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type psychic grass
Height 3. 07"
Weight 17.0 lbs
Category King
Abilities Unnerve
Weaknesses ghost, fire, flying, ice, dark, poison, bug


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type ice bug
Height 4. 03"
Weight 92.6 lbs
Category Frost Moth
Abilities Shield Dust
Weaknesses fire , steel, flying, rock


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type grass
Height 2. 04"
Weight 30.9 lbs
Category Beat
Abilities Overgrow
Weaknesses fire, flying, ice, poison, bug


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type ice
Height 7. 03"
Weight 1763.7 lbs
Category Wild Horse
Abilities Chilling Neigh
Weaknesses fire, steel, fighting, rock


Pokédex details

Generation galar [7]
Type dark
Height 3. 11"
Weight 43.9 lbs
Category Fox
Abilities Run Away
Weaknesses fairy, bug, fighting

Random Pokémon Generator

You pretty much want to know and see all the Pokémon on Generation 8, right? Here is the page where we cover all the Pokédex details with the Gen VIII Pokémon as well. This gen Pokémon comes on February 27, 2019, and it contains 96 unique Pokémon. It arrived with the popular Nintendo Switch game Pokémon Sword and Shield. The Galar region where Gen 8 Pokémon comes and it offers lots of amazing and entertaining options as well. You get to see some legendary Pokémon of all types like Grass, Fire, Water, and even Normal type. The best part is, that you can see each Pokémon with complete Pokédex information as well.

The Pokémon fans and enthusiasts really want to know the abilities, types, and weaknesses of all Gen 8 Pokémon. If you want to play any type of Pokémon game then you definitely need to know all the Pokédex details. You need to use perfect strategy and use the abilities, and weaknesses of each Pokémon to win the match. In this way, you get more Gym badges and take the chance to participate biggest tournament. So, if you are really interested to know and see all the Pokémon then let's start.

What is Gen 8 Pokémon?

The name suggests that it is the gen 8th Pokémon where you can find lots of legendary Pokémon. All the Pokémon come from the Galar region. The Pokémon can be captured on the Pokéboll and it can be used on the match. The first Pokémon named Grookey and the last Pokémon named Enamorus. Here is the complete Pokédex info available such as height, weight, type, category, abilities, and weakness.

Generation 8 Pokémon - The Galar Region

The Galar region is a beautiful land with mountains and cities. The mountains are covered with white snow and a green landscape. There are lots of Pokémon available in this area and you need to discover and catch into the Pokéboll. You can find various types of challenges as well. Now, if you want to collect more Pokémon of generation 8th then you should explore the different parts of this region. Here you may be facing some difficulties. But you need to do it to get the Pokémon to participate in the Gym matches and Pokémon tournaments.

Similar to the other generation of Pokémon, here you can also find different types of Pokémon. Also, there are lots of legendary Pokémon available like Zacian, Glastrier, Eternatus, Zamazenta, etc. Some of the Fire-type Pokémon are Scorbunny, Raboot, and Cinderace. You will get to see grass-type Pokémon that are Grookey, Thwackey, and Rillaboom. Also, you can find the normal type, water type, flying type, and bug type Pokémon in this area.

Is Fairy-type Pokemon Exist in Pokémon Generation 8?

Yes, you can find lots of Fairy-type Pokémon in gen 7 like Hatterene, Impidimp, Morgrem, Grimmsnarl, Milcery, Alcremie, etc. You can get the full HD image of all those Fairy-type Pokémon and complete Pokédex data in detail.