Generation I Pokémon [Kanto Region | All Gen 1 Pokémon]


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type fighting
Height 4. 11"
Weight 109.8 lbs
Category Kicking
Abilities Limber
Weaknesses psychic, flying, fairy


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type normal flying
Height 4. 07"
Weight 86.4 lbs
Category Twin Bird
Abilities Run Away
Weaknesses electric, ice, rock


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type fire
Height 6. 03"
Weight 341.7 lbs
Category Legendary
Abilities Intimidate
Weaknesses water, ground, rock


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type rock water
Height 3. 03"
Weight 77.2 lbs
Category Spiral
Abilities Shell Armor
Weaknesses grass , electric, fighting, ground


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type bug poison
Height 2. 00"
Weight 22.0 lbs
Category Cocoon
Abilities Shed Skin
Weaknesses fire, psychic, flying, rock


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type fire
Height 3. 07"
Weight 41.9 lbs
Category Flame
Abilities Blaze
Weaknesses water, ground, rock


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type psychic
Height 6. 07"
Weight 269.0 lbs
Category Genetic
Abilities Pressure
Weaknesses ghost, dark, bug


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type normal
Height 1. 00"
Weight 14.3 lbs
Category Evolution
Abilities Run Away
Weaknesses fighting


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type water
Height 1. 08"
Weight 19.8 lbs
Category Tiny Turtle
Abilities Torrent
Weaknesses grass, electric


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type normal
Height 1. 04"
Weight 9.3 lbs
Category Scratch Cat
Abilities Pickup
Weaknesses fighting


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type water psychic
Height 3. 11"
Weight 79.4 lbs
Category Dopey
Abilities Oblivious
Weaknesses ghost, dark, grass, electric, bug


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type poison
Height 2. 11"
Weight 43.0 lbs
Category Poison Pin
Abilities Poison Point
Weaknesses psychic, ground


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type water fighting
Height 4. 03"
Weight 119.0 lbs
Category Tadpole
Abilities Damp
Weaknesses fairy, grass, flying, psychic, electric


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type water
Height 5. 07"
Weight 168.9 lbs
Category Duck
Abilities Damp
Weaknesses grass, electric


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type poison
Height 3. 11"
Weight 20.9 lbs
Category Poison Gas
Abilities Levitate
Weaknesses psychic, ground


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type bug
Height 2. 04"
Weight 21.8 lbs
Category Cocoon
Abilities Shed Skin
Weaknesses fire, flying, rock


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type electric
Height 1. 08"
Weight 22.9 lbs
Category Ball
Abilities Static
Weaknesses ground


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type normal
Height 1. 00"
Weight 8.8 lbs
Category Transform
Abilities Limber
Weaknesses fighting


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type poison ground
Height 4. 03"
Weight 132.3 lbs
Category Drill
Abilities Poison Point
Weaknesses water, psychic, ice, ground


Pokédex details

Generation kanto [1]
Type ghost poison
Height 4. 11"
Weight 89.3 lbs
Category Shadow
Abilities Cursed Body
Weaknesses ghost, dark, psychic, ground

Random Pokémon Generator

You can find a number of popular Pokémon in the Generation 1. Gen 1 Pokémon contains 151 Pokémon and you can get all the Pokedex details as well. All the Generation 1 Pokémon come from the Kanto Region and all the Pokemon fans get to know this region. Because it is the start of this Pokémon universe to join. There are lots of famous Pokémon available for example Pikachu, Mewtwo, Ditto, etc. Most Pokemon fans like Pikachu because it has a unique style and abilities. Also, other Pokémon are pretty amazing and you need to know their weakness and abilities.

However, today we show you the Gen 1 Pokémon list with an HD image of each Pokémon and their Type, Height, Weight, Abilities, Weakness, etc. You can randomly generate Pokémon with complete Pokédex data. If you start watching its episodes or playing games then you must know. So, if you are interested in seeing all Gen 1 Pokémon then let's dive in.

What is Gen 1 Pokémon?

As the name suggests, it is the first generation Pokémon where 151 different kinds of Pokémon available. The first Pokémon from this list is Bulbasaur and the last is Mew. Each Pokémon has their own abilities, style, and weakness. All the Gen 1 Pokémon are from the Kanto Region.

Generation 1 Pokémon - The Journey Begins

There is no doubt that Generation 1 Pokémon is the beginning of that adventurous and mysterious journey, During the journey, Pokémon trainers and leaders get to see various types of Pokémon. Some of them are legends and some mythical Pokémon. Here you can find the detailed list of Gen 1 Pokémon with full Pokedex info. For example, you get some basic description about the Pokémon and then see the weaknesses, abilities, and other useful details.

You probably know that without discussing Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle is incomplete because those Pokémon are iconic. Players wanted to use those Grass, Fire, and Water-type Pokémon more and more during Gym battles. Because of, those three Pokémon have unique abilities and quality. Also, they become more powerful through evolution. You can also get free spins as well.

The Pokémon trainer starts their journey from Kanto and the aim is to collect Gym Badges by defeating Gym Leaders. It mainly depends on the trainer's skill and how they use the Pokémon with perfect strategy. Now, if you want to be a Pokémon Master then look at the Gen 1 Pokémon.